Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military
Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military. This was a great advantage to him as a leader because he knew when people were good/bad at their job, when they were bullshitting, how long it should take, what resources would be required, etc. He was able to parlay this knowledge into effective orders for everything including supply chains, numbers of people, organization, timing of movement, and on-and-on.
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 125.013 Books - Napoleon by Andrew Roberts
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 122.03.05 PM Responsibilities - Knowledge of the customer
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 122.03.06 PM Responsibilities - Knowledge of the business and market
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 101.011 Zettelkasten - The secret to an abundance of knowledge
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 116.038 Life Lessons - You can learn a lot by reading books but you learn more by doing
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 116.017 Life Lessons - Elon Musk on learning
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 107.014.01 Stoic virtues - 1. Wisdom
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 131.011 Leadership - The best leaders are problem solvers
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 128.011 Management - Task Relevant Maturity
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail
- 107.031 Philosophy - Be satisfied with even the smallest progress to 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military
- 126.018 Decision Making - Beware of immediate rewards to 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military
- 131.016 Leadership - Show don't tell to 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military