Napoleon was across every detail
Napoleon was across every single detail. And he felt like he could impact and improve it all too.
It seemed that nothing would escape his attention. (And probably his nearly perfect memory helped.)
He had reports coming to him every day on topics ranging from the health of the army to the activity of the church, economic data, localized socialization, etc etc.
He wrote very early in his career that he felt like he could do anything the service required. Every detail was his, including things like how to make gunpowder, how to set up a supply chain. His prodigious reading gave him even the knowledge of how to set up treaties and governments.
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 125.013 Books - Napoleon by Andrew Roberts
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 101 Zettelkasten
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 108.20.20 Data Analysis - Make decisions
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 109.44 Productivity - Inbox zero
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 116.030 Life Lessons - Things only happen the way you expect them to when you know exactly how they will happen
- 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail to 116.056 Life Lessons - Control the inputs not the outcomes
- 107.031 Philosophy - Be satisfied with even the smallest progress to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail
- 130.005 Personal Habits - Lincoln studied hard topics to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail
- 131.001 Leadership - Napoleon learned how to do every job in the military to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail
- 131.013 Leadership - Never let the crowd make your decisions to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail
- 131.016 Leadership - Show don't tell to 131.005 Leadership - Napoleon was across every detail