Always acknowledge the other person’s feelings when you paraphrase them
Often times the emotional content of somebody’s communication is more meaningful than the words, and if the other person is very emotional about something, the might not be so much about the words at all. When you acknowledge the feelings behind the statement you can diffuse a bad situation and address it more effectively.
- 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings to 125.008 Books - Constructive Conflict - Keith Wilson
- 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings to 119 Communication
- 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings to 119.008 Conflict - Paraphrase the other person in order to have an efficient conversation
- 116.098 Life Lessons - Distinguish between what I feel and what I think others feel to 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings
- 119 Communication to 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings
- 119.017 NVC - How to get what I want even when being screamed at to 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings
- 119.034 NVC - A vocabulary of feelings words to 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings
- 119.065 Effective - Use emotion as a communication tool to 119.009 Conflict - Acknowledge feelings