133 Hiring
- 133.001 Hiring
- 133.002 Hire the best you can find
- 133.003 Hiring - People only do their job when they're getting paid for it
- 133.004 Hiring - Work with people you are in awe of
- 133.005 Hiring - Only hire people you want to be around
- 133.006 Hiring - Hire with a specific purpose
- 133.007 Hiring - Make devs code up front
- 133.008 Hiring - Only hire proven doers for top-level jobs
- 133.009 Hiring - Can I trust this developer
- 133.010 Hiring - Fire fast
- 133.011 Hiring - Don't hire people you can't fire
- 133.012 Hiring - Napoleon hiring matrix
- 133.013 Hiring - Hire diverse kinds of people with different ways of thinking