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Make up your mind slowly and calmly

Lincoln held his tongue on every topic until he knew the subject inside-and-out, and had come to his own righteous conclusion. He was determined to “make up his mind calmly and deliberately, to adhere firmly to his own opinions, and neither to be bullied or cajoled out of them.” He listened to the opinions of many, but took pride in arriving at his own decisions, in his own time and way.

Much like Lincoln’s tendency to 119.068 Communication - Lincoln didn’t argue directly, he just delayed, this tenet is also at odds with much of what I’ve written in these notes over time. It’s much more likely to see 116.007 Life Lessons - A man who procrastinates in his choosing, 131.003 Leadership - Napoleon was fast at all times, 116.051 Life Lessons - It’s time to stop fucking around, 116.002 Life Lessons - I set the pace, 110.012 Startups - Launch early, iterate fast. However, given that I’m writing this note, it’s important to reconcile when I will be fast and when I will be deliberate.
