Refine your opinions over time
Like DaVinci returning to his Mona Lisa, Lincoln would use the process of “cumulative thought” to hone his points, arguments, decisions. He would write something down and return to it over time to refine it.
He would often return to a theme or story, and he held true to his beliefs over the course of his life, refining them and making them more clear in his mind and the mind of others.
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 125.014 Books - Abraham Lincoln - Team of Rivals
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 107.014.01 Stoic virtues - 1. Wisdom
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 109.23 Productivity - Review your time spent and improve it
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 109.32 Productivity - Measure progress toward goals
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 116.032 Life Lessons - What do you want out of this life
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 116.043 Life Lessons - Live as if you were already living for the second time
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 116.047 Life Lessons - He who best defines the problem usually wins
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 119.066 Communication - Lincoln used stories to communicate and teach
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 122.01.02 PM Skillset - Communication and the ability to influence is key
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to PM Team Structure - Have a clear long term product vision and strategy
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 126.007 Decision Making - Is this true (Independent Thinking)
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 126.010 Decision Making - Make up your mind slowly and calmly
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 126.012 Decision Making - Your first reaction is outdated
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 126.013.08 The Questions - 8. What would they do 100 years in the future?
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 128.003 Management - Find the best solution in the time available
- 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time to 130.005 Personal Habits - Lincoln studied hard topics
- 116.127 Life Lessons - Your thoughts become your reality to 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time
- 126 Decision Making to 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time
- 126.017 Decision Making - Bigger decisions need more structure to 126.014 Decision Making - Refine your opinions over time