Beta testers are very valuable
At SBS, we were able to dramatically increase the value of testing by relying on beta testers to give feedback.
Previously named: “116.073 Life Lessons - Beta testers are very valuable”
- 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable to 116.049 Life Lessons - You get what you give
- 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable to 110.009 Startups - Have you followed Marketing 101
- 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable to 122.07.05 PM Discovery Process - VUFB - The four critical risks
- 116 Life Lessons to 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable
- 133.013 Hiring - Hire diverse kinds of people with different ways of thinking to 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable