Test everything, if possible. Most of my successes have come from something that didn’t work very well at first, but got better with testing.
Previously named: “116.028 Life Lessons - Test everything if possible”
- 110.010 Startups - Beta testers are very valuable to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 110.012 Startups - Launch early, iterate fast to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 116 Life Lessons to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 116.047 Life Lessons - He who best defines the problem usually wins to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 131.020 Leadership - Continuous improvement in fundamentals and details to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible