Successful products require iterations
Most successful products require several iterations of product delivery to produce the value that customers need to feel comfortable using and/or switching to it. Part of the product process is to uncover these kinds of risks, but in the real world product development often take longer than expected, is more complicated, more costly, and sometimes does not provide the value management was hoping for.
But this inconvenient truth is no reason to avoid the process, it is simply a reason to embrace the iterative approach and look for creative ways to provide value as quickly as possible, and uncover as much product wisdom as possible before and during product development.
- 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations to 125.010 Books - Inspired - Marty Cagan
- 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations to 110.004 Startups - Test everything if possible
- 107.031 Philosophy - Be satisfied with even the smallest progress to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.02 PM Why - Why product management exists to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.07.04 PM Discovery Process - Product discovery requires iteration to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.07.05 PM Discovery Process - VUFB - The four critical risks to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.08.06 PM User Testing - Understand and learn quickly - let go of pride to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.08.07 PM User Testing - Have a clear hypothesis for each test to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.08.13 PM User Testing - Lack of Demand is rarely the biggest problem to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.08.20 PM User Testing - Build prototypes in hours not days to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 122.11.012 User Story Maps - Story Maps are used to define prototypes to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations
- 134.01.02 Newton - Law of acceleration to 122.02.03 PM Why - Successful products require iterations