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119 Communication
119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them
If you’re not sure what another person is requesting of you, just ask!
If you’re not sure what another person is requesting of you, just ask! “Would you be willing to tell me what kind of response you’d like from me?” This might be slightly annoying to somebody, but will certainly save time and frustration versus just guessing.
- 119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them to 125.009 Books - Nonviolent Communication - Marshall B Rosenberg
- 119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them to 119.006 Conflict - Is this fight about what you think it's about
- 119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them to 119.029 NVC - Avoid criticizing by separating observation and evaluation
- 119 Communication to 119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them
- 119.042 NVC - Translate people's communication into their needs to 119.040 NVC - If not sure what another person is requesting just ask them