109 Productivity
- 109 Productivity
- 109.10 Productivity - Your environment and systems makes success easier
- 109.10.10 Productivity - It is hard to maintain new systems
- 109.20 Productivity - Schedule your day
- 109.21 Productivity - 80-20 way to read a non-fiction book
- 109.22 Productivity - Schedule the whole week in advance
- 109.23 Productivity - Review your time spent and improve it
- 109.24 Productivity - A quiet workspace is important
- 109.25 Productivity - It's hard to be productive from home
- 109.26 Productivity - Social rules for working from home
- 109.27 Productivity - Unscheduled time sucks up all the time
- 109.28 Productivity - Schedule your Internet breaks
- 109.29 Productivity - Rules for your focus sessions
- 109.30 Productivity - Focus on a small number of important goals at a time
- 109.30.01 Focus on a small number - Warren Buffet's two list rule to maximize focus
- 109.31 Productivity - Write down your current goals and keep them in front of you
- 109.32 Productivity - Measure progress toward goals
- 109.33 Productivity - The shutdown ritual
- 109.34 Productivity - The ability to focus requires training your brain
- 109.35 Productivity - Productive meditation
- 109.36 Productivity - Always shut down email when not actively using it
- 109.37 Productivity - Monique is a beautiful and worthwhile use of of time
- 109.38 Productivity - I lose time to personal things during the day
- 109.39 Productivity - Travel is a massive black hole for productivity
- 109.42 Productivity - Wake up early
- 109.43 Productivity - Cal Newport - Rituals
- 109.44 Productivity - Inbox zero
- 109.45 Productivity - Prioritize and focus on one thing at a time
- 109.46 Productivity - Napoleon wasted zero time