Tolerant with others, strict with yourself
Taken directly from 125.015 Books - Discipline is Destiny - Ryan Holiday:
“I am prepared to forgive everybody’s mistakes,” Cato the Elder said, “except my own.” Ben Franklin, many generations later, would put forth an even better rule: “Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices.” Or as Marcus Aurelius put it, Tolerant with others, strict with yourself. - Ryan Holiday
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 125.015 Books - Discipline is Destiny - Ryan Holiday
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 107.026 Philosophy - Lincoln never held a grudge
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 107.029 Philosophy - Malice toward none, charity for all
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 116.049 Life Lessons - You get what you give
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 119.030 NVC - The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 116.095 Life Lessons - The ability to observe without evaluating
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 119.024 NVC - Don't take it personally
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 119.029 NVC - Avoid criticizing by separating observation and evaluation
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 119.032 NVC - Do not imply judgement
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 131.007 Leadership - Blame yourself or blame no one
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 131.009 Leadership - Lift others up even at cost to yourself
- 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself to 125.015 Books - Discipline is Destiny - Ryan Holiday
- 126.018 Decision Making - Beware of immediate rewards to 107.029 Philosophy - Tolerant with others, strict with yourself