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Get conceptual agreement before submitting a proposal

  • Before you write a proposal be sure you have conceptual agreement.
  • The prospect says “these are our objectives, this is how we know we’re successful, I understand how you say you can achieve those goals, and I have a sense of where your pricing is.”
  • You say “if I wrote this up would you be able to sign this right away?”
  • If the prospect says “well, I would need to talk to my colleagues” or “the budget doesn’t come through until next quarter” - then don’t write the proposal up yet. Wait until you have conceptual agreement.

Resources - Webinar with Robbie Kellman Baxter, “The world expert on subscription pricing and membership models” - Notes: https://keep.google.com/u/0/#NOTE/1gW5WHagG1AkkvwIrJ2OBhBRRcxWSQ9ldJ-ZWFm4VmxYtd0yS-ZJ0ZtetNT0A_Tk - Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neJEkydmneE&feature=youtu.be

    • Webinar with Robbie Kellman Baxter