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CFA Exam

I signed up to take the CFA exam in Feb 21.

Here are resources: https://www.cfainstitute.org/programs/cfa/candidate

Wow, here we go. Little bit intimidated right now.

Study objective

There are 10 topic areas and 19 study sessions (some topics have multiple study sessions). Each study session has many Learning Outcome Statements (LOS).

The test questions come directly from the LOS, so I’m going to focus on obtaining and memorizing that knowledge.

I organized this portion of the ZK in exactly the way CFA does, as described above. I will create a note for each LOS and enter in my condensed notes to address the command.

Study plan

This is the plan. Keep it updated for progress. 115.005 CFA - study plan

Study sessions

115.010 CFA - Topic 1 - Ethical and Professional Standards Exam weight: 15-20%

115.020 CFA - Topic 2 - Quantitative Methods Exam weight: 8-12%

115.030 CFA - Topic 3 - Economics Exam weight: 8-12%

115.040 CFA - Topic 4 - Financial and Reporting Analysis Exam weight: 13-17%

115.050 Topic 5 - Corporate Finance Exam weight: 8-12%

115.060 Topic 6 - Equity Investments Exam weight: 10-12%

115.070 Topic 7 - Fixed Income Exam weight: 10-12%

115.080 Topic 8 - Derivatives Exam weight: 5-8%

115.090 Topic 9 - Alternative Investments Exam weight: 5-8%

115.100 Topic 10 - Portfolio Management Exam weight: 5-8%