Not all product discovery will be successful
Not all products are going to be successful. Even the most talented product team will fail to produce a profitable and successful product when it doesn’t make sense. If any of the primary risks can’t be overcome, and constraints won’t allow for creativity, and customers don’t want the same product that management wants, the product discovery process will fail. This is inevitable sometimes, but having a fast, iterative process, with good communication, will prevent it from happening more often than necessary.
This outcome is not necessarily a failure. Knowing that a product won’t work in advance of it being built saves the company time and money and opportunity cost.
- 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful to 125.010 Books - Inspired - Marty Cagan
- 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful to 116.030 Life Lessons - Things only happen the way you expect them to when you know exactly how they will happen
- 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful to 116.047 Life Lessons - He who best defines the problem usually wins
- 119.012 Conflict - Know when to JUST STOP to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 122.02 PM Why - Why product management exists to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 122.03.02 PM Responsibilities - Risks are tackled up front to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 122.07.04 PM Discovery Process - Product discovery requires iteration to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 122.07.05 PM Discovery Process - VUFB - The four critical risks to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 122.11.001 User Story Mapping to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful
- 126.016 Decision Making - Good process + Good inputs = Great decision to 122.02.02 PM Why - Not all product discovery will be successful