Great products require teamwork
Great products are exclusively the result of a small group of talented people working closely together to solve real problems for end users and customers in ways that meet the needs of the business. Functionality, design, and technology are completely intertwined and integrated, and it takes the talents of multiple people with good working relationships and a good understanding of the customer and their problems to pull it all together.
- 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork to 125.010 Books - Inspired - Marty Cagan
- 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork to 116.029 Life Lessons - The times in your life when you were most motivated to learn
- 106.007 About me - Life philosophy to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 107.020 Philosophy - Dalio - Open mindedness to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 122.05 PM Team - Product team to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 122.07.02 PM Discovery Process - Product discovery is a collaborative process to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 122.09.01 Product Market Fit - PMF is the goal of every product team to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 122.11.005 User Story Maps - Story Maps are discussions not requirements to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork
- 128.009 Management - My performance is measured by the output of my team to 122.05.03 PM Team - Great products require teamwork