Home  >  115 CFA  > Fixed Income - Reading 43 - 3. Sovereign Bonds, Non-Sovereign Bonds, Quasi-Government Bonds, and Supranational Bonds

3. Sovereign Bonds, Non-Sovereign Bonds, Quasi-Government Bonds, and Supranational Bonds

e. describe securities issued by sovereign governments;

## f. describe securities issued by non-sovereign governments, quasi-government entities, and supranational agencies;

What is a Sovereign bond? Sovereign bonds are issued by a country’s central government for fiscal reasons.

What is a T-bill? A T-bill is a U.S. government bonds with an original maturity shorter than one year.

What is an “on-the-run issue”? The most recently issued U.S. Treasury bond of a particular maturity is known as a on-the-run issue.

What is a Non-sovereign bond and what is the source of repayment proceeds? Non-sovereign bonds are bonds issued by local governments. The sources of repayment proceeds are (the): - Taxes - Project cash flows

What is a Quasi-government bond? Quasi-government bonds are issued by the government through various political subdivisions.

What are Supranational bonds? Supranational bonds are bonds issued by supranational agencies such as the World Bank.


