Home  >  113 Math  >  113.022 Statistics - Average, Mean, Mode, Dispersion, Range

Average, Mean, Mode

Average = Mean = Central Tendency Median = Middle number Mode = most common number

Interquartile range is the amount of spread in the middle 50% of a dataset Interquartile (IQR) range = - Find the median - Find the median of the left half - Find the median of the right half - Subtract the smaller median from the larger medium - That ^^ is the Interquartile range

Dispersion is the amount of spread in a dataset. -10, 0, 10, 20, 30 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - The dataset on the left is more disperse than the one on the right - They have the same average (10) but get there in very different ways

Range - Given a dataset, the range is simply - order the numbers in the dataset ascending - subtract the largest number from the smallest number - Range can often tell you the difference in dispersion
