The less you desire, the richer you are
“The less you desire, the richer you are, the freer you are, the more powerful you are.” - Ryan Holiday
If you desire little, you need little money to get it.
If you desire much, you need a lot of money to get it.
If being rich is defined as the ability to have what you want, then desiring little makes it much easier to be rich than desiring a lot.
- 107.030 Philosophy - The less you desire, the richer you are to 125.015 Books - Discipline is Destiny - Ryan Holiday
- 107.030 Philosophy - The less you desire, the richer you are to 116.124 Life Lessons - Temperance for the win
- 107.030 Philosophy - The less you desire, the richer you are to 107.014.02 Stoic virtues - 2. Temperance
- 107.030 Philosophy - The less you desire, the richer you are to 116.072 Life Lessons - Simple is better - always