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Four stoic virtues

The Stoics wanted nothing more than to live virtuously, and they have a very specific definition of virtue.

Everything we face in life is an opportunity to live by our virtues. Even bad, scary, painful, humiliating situations, we get to practice our philosophy every day. If we act virtuously, they believed that everything good could follow - Happiness, success, meaning, reputation, honor, love.

Cicero: “The man who has virtue is in need of nothing whatever for the purpose of living well.”

4 virtues

  1. 107.014.01 Stoic virtues - 1. Wisdom
  2. 107.014.02 Stoic virtues - 2. Temperance
  3. 107.014.03 Stoic virtues - 3. Courage
  4. 107.014.04 Stoic virtues - 4. Justice
