Provide value right away for free
Provide value for the client early and often, for free in the beginning. If done right, the prospect will come to value our relationship and look forward to formalizing it.
- 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free to 125.003 Books - Getting started in consulting
- 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free to Consulting - Do not sell at first just talk about client problems
- 105.40.30 Consulting - Make the sale to 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free
- 105.40.44 Consulting - Pro bono work can be great for networking to 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free
- 105.40.45 Consulting - Networking is key key key to 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free
- 105.40.46 Consulting - Public speaking is a powerful way to network to 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free
- 107.025 Philosophy - Render yourself worthy to 105.40.42 Consulting - Provide value right away for free