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A B2B2C company has a sales model that focuses on selling their product to other businesses who then resell that exact same branded product to consumers.

This means the marketing division for the B2B2C company is focused on the end customer. In other words, they sell to one set of customers but market to their customer’s customers.

Examples of B2B2C companies: - Coke - they are more than just Coca-cola, all kinds of beverages. They sell to retail outlets who put the product on the shelf and sell it to end customers. Coke needs to create a demand for their product in their customer’s customer. - Pharma - they sell drugs to pharmacies but it is the doctor who makes the prescription for the medicine. Pharma needs to education and train doctors on when their drug should be prescribed. Pharmacies will buy whatever the doctors are prescribing, if they don’t have the medicine in stock then the customer goes elsewhere.
